Faculty of Commerce Banking & Business Administration

Dean: Prof. Dr. M. Zubair Iqbal

Dean Message

Welcome to the Faculty of Commerce, Banking & Business Administration. I am pleased that you have selected this Faculty as the place of study for your bright career in commerce, business and banking related fields.

Currently, the Faculty is comprised over two Institutes namely: Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) and Institute of Banking & Finance (IBF), one Department i.e. Department of Commerce. The Faculty is providing options through Certificates, Diplomas, Bachelors, Masters, MS/MPhil and PhD study level programs in its Institutes and Department. By obtaining degree, diploma and/or certificate from this Faculty will prepare you for fulfilling opportunities in many fields especially ones as stated above. 

This Faculty is educating and preparing the students for the practice and in ever-changing profession through rigorous classroom instructions and in-depth practical experiences. These efforts, by the passage of time, have opened high rates of employment of our graduates in numerous fields like different public and private organizations, industries, banks and educational institutions. Most importantly, the teaching staff of the Faculty is well qualified and having extensive experience.

At last but not the least, I am proud to say that this Faculty has produced good number of eminent persons who have rendered or are rendering their valuable services to the nation as senior executives in public as well as private organizations, businessmen, bankers and bureaucrats etc.

So take advantage of your time here at this faculty quench your thirst for higher education and experience of your chosen field by getting admission in this Faculty. I wish you the best of luck for your future endeavors.

The faculty comprises of the following departments:

Sr. No. Department Name Department Head Name
1 Institute of Management Sciences Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hassan Bucha
2 Institute of Banking and Finance Dr. Ahmad Tisman Pasha
3 Department of Commerce Prof. Dr. Rehana Kouser
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