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Department of Geography
Head of Department: Mr. Basit NadeemOfficial WhatsApp No.: 03337884748
Official Email Address:
Departmental Student Advisor: Basit Nadeem
Departmental Examination Incharge: Basit Nadeem
Dr. Muhammad Dawood | Assistant Professor |
Mr. Basit Nadeem | Lecturer |
Prosperity and success of a nation is always related to human resource development and the most important aspect of human resource development is education. As part of the University vision to meet the educational needs of the region of Sourthern Punjab, the Department of Geography, offering a M.Sc Degree Program, was estblished in 2009.
Geography is a science that deals with the distributive phenomena on the face of earth which affect the knowledge of our environment and nature around us that is certainly essential for our development, better life conditions and progress. Geography provides such knowledge and skills that contribute in the process of making a highly developed human society. It is an enquiry, a study of the causes and an attempt to find out why and how natural surroundings and geographical features influence the life of man on this planet. Diversity and richness in landforms, climate, vegetation, animals, deserts and other natural features of Southern Punjab indicate the need for a science like Geography to have its roots in this region as is will certainly help the people of the region to develop their skills in Geography and contribute in the development of the whole nation.
Programs Offered
The following programs are being offered:
BS Geography |
Undergraduate Program |
Eligibility: F.A/F.Sc, ICS, D.Com or Equivalent Merit Determination: The merit will be determined according to the criteria laid down by the University. |
BS GIS and Remote Sensing (Morning and Evening) |
Undergraduate Program |
Eligibility: FSC,FA, ICS or equivalent Merit Determination: The merit will be determined according to the criteria laid down by the University. |