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Engr. Dr. Muhammad Furqan Khurshid
Ph.D Textile Engineering
Research Interests:
Yarn Manufacturing, Technical Textile, High performance fibers, Carbon fibers, Composites
Email Address:
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Research Papers
2024 | Development of a micro-scale hybridized yarn structure from recycled carbon, aramid and polyamide 6 staple fibers for thermoplastic composites with improved impact strength (Journal) Overberg M, Khurshid MF, Abdkader A, Hasan MMB, Cherif C. |
Journal: Textile Research Journal, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 94, Issue: 5-6 Pages: 636-648, |
2023 | Entwicklung nachhaltiger hybrider Faserstrukturen auf Basis recycelter Carbonfasern fr Composites mit hohem Leistungsvermgen. (Conference) Chokri Cherif, M F Khurshid, Anwar Abdkader M M M Hasan, Mahmood Hossain |
Journal: AVK-Arbeitskreissitzung Thermoplastische Composites Rohre, Frankfurt, Germany, Publisher:, Vol.: 2023, Issue: Pages: , |
2023 | Theoretical modelling of tensile properties of high-performance composites developed from innovative unidirectional recycled carbon fiber tapes (Journal) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 36, Issue: 12 Pages: 4742-4761, |
2023 | Development of an innovative GlassStainless SteelPolyamide commingled yarn for fiber metal hybrid composites (Journal) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Materials, Publisher: MDPI, Vol.: 16, Issue: 4 Pages: 1668, |
2023 | Recent developments in yarn formation technology for producing innovative hybrid yarn structures from staple carbon and thermoplastic fibers for high-performance composites (Journal) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Journal of Composite Materials, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 57, Issue: 7 Pages: 1343-1362, |
2022 | Processing of waste carbon and polyamide fibers for high-performance thermoplastic composites Modifications to the auto-leveling system to enhance the quality of hybrid drawn sliver (Journal) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Journal of Industrial Textile, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 51, Issue: 5S Pages: 7513S-7528S, |
2022 | Processing of waste carbon and polyamide fibers for high performance thermoplastic composites- A novel manufacturing technology for unidirectional tapes structure (Journal) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Journal of Industrial Textile, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 51, Issue: 4S Pages: 7256S-7276S, |
2022 | Uni-directional tape structures consisting of recycled carbon fibres and polyamide 6 fibers for high-performance thermoplastic composites. (Book Chapter) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Production and Application of Textile Materials , Publisher: Trans Tech Publications, Vol.: Ferreira et al Edition, Issue: 1 Pages: 133-138, |
2022 | Innovative thermally stabilized low twist hybrid yarns from recycled carbon fiber for thermoplastic composites (Conference paper) Hasan MMB, Khurshid M. Furqan, Abdkadir Anwar, Cherif Chokri |
Journal: 21th World Textile Conference - Autex 2022, Lodz, Poland, Publisher: Lodz University of Technology, Vol.: 2022, Issue: - Pages: 425-428, |
2021 | Novel tape structures based on recycle carbon and polyamide fibers for high performance fiber reinforced plastics (Conference) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: 4th European industry and Research exchange on technical textile, Frankfurt, Germany, Publisher: European Industry and Research Exchange, Vol.: Future techniques and challenges for Recycling, Issue: Pages: , |
2021 | An innovative tape structure for the development of recycled carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastics (Conference) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Conference in textile and clothing technology, Publisher: Technical University of Dresden, Vol.: 2021, Issue: Pages: , |
2020 | Recent developments in the processing of waste carbon fibre for thermoplastic composites (Journal) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Journal of Composite Materials, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 54, Issue: 14 Pages: 1925-1944, |
2020 | Processing of waste carbon and polyamide fibres for high performance thermoplastic composites Influence of carding parameters on fibre orientation, fibre length and sliver cohesion force (Journal) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Journal of Textile Institute, Publisher: Taylor and Francis, Vol.: 111, Issue: 9 Pages: 1277-1287, |
2019 | Electro spinning behavior of needleless spinneret with a popular mace shape. Journal of Textile institute (Journal) Usman Ali, Haitao Niu, M. Furqan Khurshid, Amir Abbas, Tong Lin |
Journal: Journal of Textile Institute, Publisher: Taylor and Francis, Vol.: 110, Issue: 3 Pages: 349-357, |
2019 | Process development for uni directional tape structure based on recycled carbon fiber and thermoplastic fibers for fiber reinforced plastics. (Conference paper) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: 19th World Textile Conference - Autex 2019, Ghent, Belgium, Publisher: Ghent University, Vol.: Online, Issue: 2019 Pages: 1-7, |
2019 | Development of an Industrial Process Line for the Production of UD tapes based on recycled carbon staple fibers rCF and thermoplastic fibers. (Conference) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Techtextil, Frankfurt, Germany, Publisher: Techtextil, Vol.: Towards Sustainability Forum, Issue: Pages: , |
2019 | Entwicklung einer industriellen Prozesskette zur Herstellung von nachhaltigen UD-Tapes aus recycelten Carbonstapelfasernund Thermoplastfasernfr die kostengnstige ressouceneffizienteMassenfertigung von Verbundbauteilen (Conference) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Aufbereitung und Verwertung carbonfaserhaltiger Abflle Fachaustausch, Dessau-Rolau, Deutschland, Publisher: Umwelt Bundesamt, Vol.: 2019, Issue: Pages: , |
2018 | Optimization of break draft, pin spacer and rubber cots hardness to enhance the quality of ring spun yarn using factorial design (Journal) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 13, Issue: 2 Pages: 58-65, |
2017 | Comparative analysis of siro yarn properties spun on ring and pneumatic compact spinning systems (Journal) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Industria Textila, Publisher: The National Research Development Institute for Textiles and Leather-INCDTP, Vol.: 68, Issue: 4 Pages: 245-249, |
2017 | Needleless electrospinning by flat wheel spinneret (Journal) Usman Ali, M. Furqan Khurshid. Amir Abbas, Sarmad Aslam, Waqar Ahmad |
Journal: Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 12, Issue: 3 Pages: 81-89, |
2017 | Developing Antimicrobial Calcium Alginate Fiber from Neem and Papaya Extracts (Journal) Fiaz Hussain, M. Furqan Khurshid, Rashid Masood, Wasim Ibrahim |
Journal: Journal of Wound care, Publisher: PubMed, Vol.: 26, Issue: 12 Pages: 778-783, |
2016 | Development and evaluation of a controlled drug delivery wound dressing based on polymeric porous microspheres (Journal) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Journal of Industrial Textile, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 46, Issue: 3 Pages: 986-999, |
2016 | Needleless electrospinning a real-world way for the corpus fabrication of nano fibrous membranes (Conference) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: 1st Technical Textile Engineering Conference NTU, Faisalabad, Publisher: NTU, Faisalabad, Vol.: , Issue: September Pages: , |
2015 | Assessment of eco-friendly natural antimicrobial textile finish extracted from aloe vera and neem plants (Journal) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Fibers and Textiles in Eastern Europe, Publisher: Lodz Institute of Technology, Vol.: 6, Issue: - Pages: 120-123, |
2013 | Comparative analysis of cotton yarn properties spun on different pneumatic compact spinning systems (Journal) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe, Publisher: Lodz Institute of Technology, Vol.: 21, Issue: 5 Pages: 30-34. , |
2012 | Investigation of specific energy consumption and possible reduction measures of spinning mills (Journal) Khurshid et al. |
Journal: Journal of American Science, Publisher: Science Journal, Vol.: 8, Issue: 6 Pages: 535-542, |
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