Engr. Dr. Muhammad Furqan Khurshid

Assistant Professor, University College of Textile Engineering

Engr. Dr. Muhammad Furqan Khurshid

Ph.D Textile Engineering

Research Interests:
Yarn Manufacturing, Technical Textile, High performance fibers, Carbon fibers, Composites

Email Address:

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Research Papers

2024 Development of a micro-scale hybridized yarn structure from recycled carbon, aramid and polyamide 6 staple fibers for thermoplastic composites with improved impact strength (Journal)
Overberg M, Khurshid MF, Abdkader A, Hasan MMB, Cherif C.
Journal: Textile Research Journal, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 94, Issue: 5-6 Pages: 636-648,
2023 Entwicklung nachhaltiger hybrider Faserstrukturen auf Basis recycelter Carbonfasern fr Composites mit hohem Leistungsvermgen. (Conference)
Chokri Cherif, M F Khurshid, Anwar Abdkader M M M Hasan, Mahmood Hossain
Journal: AVK-Arbeitskreissitzung Thermoplastische Composites Rohre, Frankfurt, Germany, Publisher: kunststoffindustrie-online.de, Vol.: 2023, Issue: Pages: ,
2023 Theoretical modelling of tensile properties of high-performance composites developed from innovative unidirectional recycled carbon fiber tapes (Journal)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 36, Issue: 12 Pages: 4742-4761,
2023 Development of an innovative GlassStainless SteelPolyamide commingled yarn for fiber metal hybrid composites (Journal)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Materials, Publisher: MDPI, Vol.: 16, Issue: 4 Pages: 1668,
2023 Recent developments in yarn formation technology for producing innovative hybrid yarn structures from staple carbon and thermoplastic fibers for high-performance composites (Journal)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Journal of Composite Materials, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 57, Issue: 7 Pages: 1343-1362,
2022 Processing of waste carbon and polyamide fibers for high-performance thermoplastic composites Modifications to the auto-leveling system to enhance the quality of hybrid drawn sliver (Journal)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Journal of Industrial Textile, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 51, Issue: 5S Pages: 7513S-7528S,
2022 Processing of waste carbon and polyamide fibers for high performance thermoplastic composites- A novel manufacturing technology for unidirectional tapes structure (Journal)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Journal of Industrial Textile, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 51, Issue: 4S Pages: 7256S-7276S,
2022 Uni-directional tape structures consisting of recycled carbon fibres and polyamide 6 fibers for high-performance thermoplastic composites. (Book Chapter)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Production and Application of Textile Materials , Publisher: Trans Tech Publications, Vol.: Ferreira et al Edition, Issue: 1 Pages: 133-138,
2022 Innovative thermally stabilized low twist hybrid yarns from recycled carbon fiber for thermoplastic composites (Conference paper)
Hasan MMB, Khurshid M. Furqan, Abdkadir Anwar, Cherif Chokri
Journal: 21th World Textile Conference - Autex 2022, Lodz, Poland, Publisher: Lodz University of Technology, Vol.: 2022, Issue: - Pages: 425-428,
2021 Novel tape structures based on recycle carbon and polyamide fibers for high performance fiber reinforced plastics (Conference)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: 4th European industry and Research exchange on technical textile, Frankfurt, Germany, Publisher: European Industry and Research Exchange, Vol.: Future techniques and challenges for Recycling, Issue: Pages: ,
2021 An innovative tape structure for the development of recycled carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastics (Conference)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Conference in textile and clothing technology, Publisher: Technical University of Dresden, Vol.: 2021, Issue: Pages: ,
2020 Recent developments in the processing of waste carbon fibre for thermoplastic composites (Journal)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Journal of Composite Materials, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 54, Issue: 14 Pages: 1925-1944,
2020 Processing of waste carbon and polyamide fibres for high performance thermoplastic composites Influence of carding parameters on fibre orientation, fibre length and sliver cohesion force (Journal)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Journal of Textile Institute, Publisher: Taylor and Francis, Vol.: 111, Issue: 9 Pages: 1277-1287,
2019 Electro spinning behavior of needleless spinneret with a popular mace shape. Journal of Textile institute (Journal)
Usman Ali, Haitao Niu, M. Furqan Khurshid, Amir Abbas, Tong Lin
Journal: Journal of Textile Institute, Publisher: Taylor and Francis, Vol.: 110, Issue: 3 Pages: 349-357,
2019 Process development for uni directional tape structure based on recycled carbon fiber and thermoplastic fibers for fiber reinforced plastics. (Conference paper)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: 19th World Textile Conference - Autex 2019, Ghent, Belgium, Publisher: Ghent University, Vol.: Online, Issue: 2019 Pages: 1-7,
2019 Development of an Industrial Process Line for the Production of UD tapes based on recycled carbon staple fibers rCF and thermoplastic fibers. (Conference)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Techtextil, Frankfurt, Germany, Publisher: Techtextil, Vol.: Towards Sustainability Forum, Issue: Pages: ,
2019 Entwicklung einer industriellen Prozesskette zur Herstellung von nachhaltigen UD-Tapes aus recycelten Carbonstapelfasernund Thermoplastfasernfr die kostengnstige ressouceneffizienteMassenfertigung von Verbundbauteilen (Conference)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Aufbereitung und Verwertung carbonfaserhaltiger Abflle Fachaustausch, Dessau-Rolau, Deutschland, Publisher: Umwelt Bundesamt, Vol.: 2019, Issue: Pages: ,
2018 Optimization of break draft, pin spacer and rubber cots hardness to enhance the quality of ring spun yarn using factorial design (Journal)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 13, Issue: 2 Pages: 58-65,
2017 Comparative analysis of siro yarn properties spun on ring and pneumatic compact spinning systems (Journal)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Industria Textila, Publisher: The National Research Development Institute for Textiles and Leather-INCDTP, Vol.: 68, Issue: 4 Pages: 245-249,
2017 Needleless electrospinning by flat wheel spinneret (Journal)
Usman Ali, M. Furqan Khurshid. Amir Abbas, Sarmad Aslam, Waqar Ahmad
Journal: Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 12, Issue: 3 Pages: 81-89,
2017 Developing Antimicrobial Calcium Alginate Fiber from Neem and Papaya Extracts (Journal)
Fiaz Hussain, M. Furqan Khurshid, Rashid Masood, Wasim Ibrahim
Journal: Journal of Wound care, Publisher: PubMed, Vol.: 26, Issue: 12 Pages: 778-783,
2016 Development and evaluation of a controlled drug delivery wound dressing based on polymeric porous microspheres (Journal)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Journal of Industrial Textile, Publisher: Sage Journals, Vol.: 46, Issue: 3 Pages: 986-999,
2016 Needleless electrospinning a real-world way for the corpus fabrication of nano fibrous membranes (Conference)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: 1st Technical Textile Engineering Conference NTU, Faisalabad, Publisher: NTU, Faisalabad, Vol.: , Issue: September Pages: ,
2015 Assessment of eco-friendly natural antimicrobial textile finish extracted from aloe vera and neem plants (Journal)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Fibers and Textiles in Eastern Europe, Publisher: Lodz Institute of Technology, Vol.: 6, Issue: - Pages: 120-123,
2013 Comparative analysis of cotton yarn properties spun on different pneumatic compact spinning systems (Journal)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe, Publisher: Lodz Institute of Technology, Vol.: 21, Issue: 5 Pages: 30-34. ,
2012 Investigation of specific energy consumption and possible reduction measures of spinning mills (Journal)
Khurshid et al.
Journal: Journal of American Science, Publisher: Science Journal, Vol.: 8, Issue: 6 Pages: 535-542,


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